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Bachelors of Hope put on a show for a good cause

Bachelors of Hope put on a show for a good cause

The bachelors performed a choreographed dance for the crowd to watch and cheer along to.
Support rising for eligible beekeepers

Support rising for eligible beekeepers

Starting on Monday, beekeepers can apply to offset operating costs under the program's next phase.
SIU clears Thunder Bay Police officers after man injures his face

SIU clears Thunder Bay Police officers after man injures his face

SIU Director Joseph Martino determined “there were no reasonable grounds to believe that any officer committed a criminal offence in connection with the man’s arrest and injury.” 
Jacob "Jake" Hezikiah Black

Jacob "Jake" Hezikiah Black

Crystal Kell

Crystal Kell

Chippewa Park has many events planned this summer

Chippewa Park has many events planned this summer

Angus said it is crucial that organizers help ensure Chippewa is well used.
Arthur Staal

Arthur Staal

Robert "Bob" Gillman

Robert "Bob" Gillman

Patricia “Pat” Inman

Patricia “Pat” Inman

The family of Mrs. Patricia “Pat” Inman who passed away on May 4, 2024, would like to invite friends and family to join together for a time of fellowship and remembrance.
Good Morning, Thunder Bay!

Good Morning, Thunder Bay!

Here's a look at the current local weather and gas prices.
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