November is Financial Literacy Month in Canada.
At this time of year, my Facebook feed, Twitter space and email inbox is full of invitations to events, blogs from financial writers and occasionally, calls to attend a seminar and speak about personal financial wellness. But that is my world as a debt help professional.
If you one of the many Canadians currently struggling to get on top of your debts, or you’re seeking a debt stress-free life, I urge you to actively seek out the personal finance information and seminars available throughout most communities.
To make your access to Financial Literacy Month a little easier, I offer up the following;
- Review the Credit Coach blog catalogue. Last November I wrote two posts for Financial Literacy Month. My advice is still relevant, so click the links for some helpful financial literacy resources and tips for how to live within your means.
- On Wednesday November 21, 2018, if you are free and looking for some money wisdom make plans to attend the Lakehead University 2018 Financial Literacy Fair. This annual event is a great opportunity to learn something new from the various presenters at the Lunch and Learn as well as at the booths set up in the Agora.
- Take time this month to reach out and meet with at least one of your financial wellness contacts. Talk to your banker about options for reducing interest charges, increasing interest earned or improving your credit score. Meet with your financial advisor to discuss year-end planning. Book a financial health assessment and budget check-up with the local not-for-profit counselling clinic. If you’re worried about your debt, speak with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee to review available solutions.
There you have it, a quick update for Financial Literacy Month. Take the opportunities this month to be proactive and set a course for a healthier financial future and debt-free life.
Jayson Stoppel is a Licensed Insolvency Trustee and Chartered Accountant with BDO First Call Debt Solutions. With over 18 years in practice, Jayson assists individuals, families and companies with financial difficulties in Thunder Bay and throughout Northwest Ontario. To reach Jayson by email: [email protected]. To find Jayson on Twitter: @CreditCoachJS.