The results are in, and for a third time, you have elected me as your Member of Parliament. I have spent my career serving our region, as a public health planner, shelter director, Member of Parliament and as a Cabinet Minister. Thank you for giving me the honour to continue to advocate for the things that matter to us here in Northwestern Ontario.
Throughout this election, I heard from so many of you: at the door, over the phone, by email and through social media. And each and every conversation helped me understand what we still have to achieve together. I heard about the successes we have had, and the challenges that still lie ahead, on health care, our northern economy and our climate. I met people with their parents, their children and their extended families who expressed such pride in our communities.
Thank you for welcoming me in your homes and lives to talk about the work we have done, and need to keep doing to make all of our communities better for our children and grandchildren.
We have big things to get done together.
Because of your support, we can move forward on things like stronger health care and 10 dollar a day childcare. A better and greener future, with more protection for the lakes and forests we love.
Because of your support, we can continue to support communities with the tools they need to protect against COVID-19 and protect our fragile return to normal.
We have so much to do, on protecting and building up our region. I will stay focused on you, your family, your health and your economic stability.
Thank you again, for re-electing me as your Member of Parliament. Together, we are moving forward.
As always, I remain available to talk, by Zoom, over the phone, or if possible, in person. Just give us a call at 807-766-2090 or email [email protected].