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Religious Organizations

Thunder Bay Religious Organizations

Kitchitwa Kateri Church

Kitchitwa Kateri Church

Kitchitwa Kateri Church is a sacred place where ALL can feel welcome and respected. It is a place for healing, seeking to bridge the gap between native and Catholic ceremonials and spirituality - where traditional Native ceremonies and rituals can be used to express the Church faith.

Kitchitwa Kateri membership and services are open to all Native Catholic and Non-Native Catholic peoples living in the vicinity or visiting the City of Thunder Bay from the surrounding Native communities. Everyone is made to feel welcome and participate in services regardless of their faith.
Urban Abbey

Urban Abbey

We nurture a contemplative life where we can be transformed in the “face presence” of Jesus and we pursue an active life where that can be reflected to the outside community.
Holy Family Church

Holy Family Church

Holy Family Church
Unitarian Followship (Lakehead)

Unitarian Followship (Lakehead)

St. Andrew's Church is a Roman Catholic Parish church in Thunder Bay, Ontario. It was founded by the Society of Jesus in the 1872 and is a centre for ministry with the Fort William First Nation. It is situated on Connaught Square in the Port Arthur area of the city
The Salvation Army Community Church

The Salvation Army Community Church

The Salvation Army is an international Christian church. Its message is based on the Bible; its ministry is motivated by love for God and the needs of humanity.
Calvin Presbyterian Church

Calvin Presbyterian Church

We are a fellowship of believers, made in God's image and called as disciples of Christ to share the Good News with everyone through learning, listening, praying and working together actively to reach out to our communities.
First-Wesley United Church

First-Wesley United Church

Our services are semi-formal, with a healthy dose of fun and self-effacing humour - and music.
St. Michael and All Angels Anglican Church

St. Michael and All Angels Anglican Church

Episcopalian Anglican Church
Offers a place of worship in a Christian setting
Shaarey Shomayim Congregation

Shaarey Shomayim Congregation

Our unaffiliated congregation holds shabbat services, holiday celebrations and runs a Hebrew school. More than a hundred years old, Shaarey Shomayim is an important and historic part of Thunder Bay’s cultural diversity.
Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Holy Cross

Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Holy Cross

We are an active community who strive to live and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those of our day. We find support in our communal prayer which is conducted mostly in English language and is in accord with the Ukrainian Byzantine Rite. We also welcome individuals and their families of different backgrounds who recognize the beauty of Byzantine Tradition and choose the Byzantine Rite to worship God.
Bethlehem Christian Reformed Church

Bethlehem Christian Reformed Church

To engage in Spirit-led, biblically based worship that is inspiring, joyful and relevant.
To ensure opportunities for teaching, learning and discovering God and His plan for your life today.
To encourage everyone to serve.
St Dominic's Church

St Dominic's Church

Roman Catholic Church
Offers a place of worship in a Roman Catholic setting
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Thunder Bay

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Thunder Bay

The history of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church begins long before the erection of the magnificent building that stands today and has attained status as a designated heritage site. The congregation traces its history back to 1869 when Presbyterian services were first held in Fort William, a Hudson Bay fort on the banks of the Kaministiquia River.
Ukrainian Catholic Church of Transfiguration

Ukrainian Catholic Church of Transfiguration

At Ukrainian Catholic Church of Transfiguration, it's our mission to help you explore your relationship with God and improve those meaningful relationships in your family life. Join us each Sunday and experience the warmth of faith and the strength of our community.
Calvary Lutheran Church

Calvary Lutheran Church

The mission of Calvary is to embody the good news (gospel) of Jesus Christ. We do this by faithfully hearing his Word, and receiving his gifts of salvation. This transforms us into people who are willing to share our lives with each other. We offer forgiveness to one another, seek the well-being of those around us, and give glory to God the Father in all circumstances. We love because he first loved us.
St. Stephen The Martyr Anglican Church

St. Stephen The Martyr Anglican Church

Celebrating God’s presence in our lives, helping those of all ages in building spiritual lives and faith; and

Helping the community of St. Stephen’s, the larger community of Current River and area by providing spiritual, emotional, moral, mental and physical support.
St. Thomas Anglican Church

St. Thomas Anglican Church

Affiliated with the Anglican Church of Canada, in the Diocese of Algoma, the church family at St. Thomas' is a Christian community united by our common love for Jesus and love for one another in Christ. It is our goal to help our members accept Christ as the Lord of their lives, commit themselves to Him, and allow Him to fill them with his Holy Spirit, empowering them for active service in His Name.
Westfort Baptist Church

Westfort Baptist Church

We belong to the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptists Churches in Canada. The Fellowship is a denomination of over 500 Evangelical Baptist Churches scattered across Canada from the Yukon to the tip of Nova Scotia.
St Augustine Church

St Augustine Church

Roman Catholic church
Offers a place of worship in a Roman Catholic setting
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church

Our Saviour's Lutheran Church

Our congregation is located on
the traditional territory of the Ojibway of the
Fort William
First Nation,
a signatory to the Robinson-Superior Treaty.
Community of Christ Thunder Bay

Community of Christ Thunder Bay

Christ’s mission is our mission. All ministries, personnel, and resources of the World Church are focused on the whole mission of Jesus Christ through five, life-changing, church-changing, and world-changing Mission Initiatives.
St Mary Our Lady Queen of Poland Parish

St Mary Our Lady Queen of Poland Parish

Roman Catholic church
Offers a place to worship in a Roman Catholic setting
Faith Chapel

Faith Chapel

Faith Chapel is an independent evangelical church and we welcome all who come along.
Hilldale Lutheran Church

Hilldale Lutheran Church

If you are searching for a Finnish Service, look no further: our Senior Pastor Jari Lahtinen presides with great passion, with a pinch of humor for spice. The service is a solemn traditional Finnish service with time-honored gospel songs and liturgy.
Christian Science Churches

Christian Science Churches

Christian Science Society Thunder Bay in Thunder Bay, Ontario is a Christian congregation serving the Thunder Bay community and seeking, engaging, and encouraging others through a life-changing Christian journey.
United Church Cambrian Presbytery

United Church Cambrian Presbytery

Cambrian Presbytery is part of the Conference of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario of the United Church of Canada. The Presbytery gives support to andhas oversight to a numberof committees (Christian Development, Christian Outreach and Social Action, Ministry of personnel and Education, Oversight ofPastoral Charges, Policy and Planning, and Stewardship. It also provides oversight and assistance to 24 Pastoral Charges within the Presbytery.
Finnish Free Church

Finnish Free Church

Finnish Free Church
Faith City Church

Faith City Church

Making faith relevant to our generation. Established in the city of Thunder Bay in 1990.
We are a non-denominational, multi-ethnic, multi-generational congregation. Nationally we are affiliated with Open Bible Faith Fellowshop and internationally, with Rhema Ministerial Association International
Corpus Christi Church

Corpus Christi Church

We are a Roman Catholic community serving the spiritual needs of those living in the Red River ward of Thunder Bay. Learn about our story, mission and values.
St. Paul's United Church

St. Paul's United Church

We are a group of social minded Christians of all ages, who come together to worship and share in the life, teachings, and blessings of Christ. Our diverse congregation has many ongoing projects that include: partnering with our First Nations friends to host dinners and get-togethers to build relationships, providing the means to ensure two families enjoy the blessings of the Christmas season by fulfilling their wish lists, and partnering with an inner-city school to provide resources for children.
Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission

Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission

Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission
Thunder Bay New Apostolic Church

Thunder Bay New Apostolic Church

A church in which people feel at home and, inspired by the Holy Spirit and their love for God, align their lives to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and thus prepare themselves for His return and eternal life.
Grace Place

Grace Place

Grace Place is a street ministry that is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency. Grace Place opened their doors to serve the poor of Thunder Bay in 2007 and have continued to operate year round since that time to a continually growing population.
Our Lady of Loretto Church

Our Lady of Loretto Church

Mass Times:
Saturday: 5:00 pm
Sunday: 10:00 am
Trinity Lutheran Church (LC-C)

Trinity Lutheran Church (LC-C)

Lutheran Church
Offers a place of worship in a Christian setting
Christ Lutheran Church LC-C

Christ Lutheran Church LC-C

Lutheran Church–Canada comprises congregations, pastors, and deacons committed to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our confessions and practises are based on the foundation of God's Word and the belief that God's gift of salvation is found only through faith in Jesus Christ, God's only Son. In more than 300 congregations, from British Columbia to Nova Scotia, this message is proclaimed in word and deed.
First Christian Reformed Church Thunder Bay

First Christian Reformed Church Thunder Bay

First Church was organized sixty-six years ago (November 1950) and is part of the denomination called Christian Reformed. This congregation is strongly Calvinistic, that is, Bible based. It believes that God rules the universe and the lives of people. People, although sinful before God, are saved by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. Christian people who know and love Jesus Christ live their lives for Him.
Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Ascension Star Hall (Parish)

Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Ascension Star Hall (Parish)

Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Ascension Star Hall (Parish) is located in Thunder Bay. Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Ascension Star Hall (Parish) is working in Religion, Churches activities.
St. Paul's Anglican Church

St. Paul's Anglican Church

At St. Paul’s we are a growing community of Christians of all ages,
committed to sharing Jesus’ words of grace and hope.
Broadway United Church

Broadway United Church

United Church faith communities welcome people from all backgrounds and orientations—wherever you are in your faith journey. This section offers an overview of the United Church’s beliefs.
Transformation Church

Transformation Church

We exist to make passionate disciples of Jesus Christ that will have a significant and lasting impact on the city of Thunder Bay and beyond.
St. Ann's Church

St. Ann's Church

St. Ann’s Parish strives to gather people together in faith, for prayer, worship and service in building up the Kingdom of God.
Bethel Lutheran Church (LC-C)

Bethel Lutheran Church (LC-C)

Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday, and Wednesday’s during Advent and Lent.
Roman Catholic Diocese of Thunder Bay

Roman Catholic Diocese of Thunder Bay

Roman Catholic Diocese of Thunder Bay
The Summit Church

The Summit Church

The Summit Church wants to make a lasting difference in people’s lives, our city, and our world. We believe God is passionate about this too.
St. Peter's Church

St. Peter's Church

For the friends and parishioners of St. Peter's Catholic Church in the East End of Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
Hope Church

Hope Church

Hope Christian Reformed Church invites you to join us in our Sunday morning service, every Sunday at 10AM. We are a church providing a modern worship service for any age. We are anchored in Christ, living in hope to bring hope. Pastor Robert Hoekstra preaches from God's Word every Sunday and we welcome you to join us.
Pinegrove United Church

Pinegrove United Church

Our services are about an hour long. We welcome everyone, there’s nothing you’ve got to believe or do to belong here.
Coffee/tea and refreshments are served after worship, a great time to catch up with one another or make new friends. Join us!
St. Agnes Church, Thunder Bay

St. Agnes Church, Thunder Bay

Roman Catholic Church
Offers a place of warship in a catholic setting
Publishes a weekly bulletin
Free-Methodist Church

Free-Methodist Church

We’re an intimate community of people who are doing our best to follow Jesus, love one another, and serve our neighbourhood.
Thunder Bay Gospel Hall

Thunder Bay Gospel Hall

Having a relationship with the God who created you is a wonderful thing. In fact, it's not just wonderful, it's the meaning of life. God doesn't want religion, he wants a personal relationship with every human being on Earth.
Epiphany Lutheran Church LCC

Epiphany Lutheran Church LCC

Epiphany is a Christian family for ALL people. On the Epiphany of our Lord Wise Men came from the East to worship the newborn saviour of the world. Epiphany Lutheran Church exists so that both the wise & foolish of all backgrounds may know Jesus as their saviour from sin, death, and the devil.
Trinity United Church Thunder Bay

Trinity United Church Thunder Bay

Trinity was founded in 1871 and has provided spiritual support, community outreach and pastoral care to this region for almost 150 years. Yet Trinity is also an innovative church that has pioneered the use of technology in worship, education, and community outreach. Click on the topics below to see what Trinity does here and beyond
Westminster United Church Thunder Bay

Westminster United Church Thunder Bay

We, the people of Westminster United Church, Thunder Bay, are determined that our life together will be fully inclusive for people of all ages, races, genders, sexual orientations, differing abilities, ethnic origins and economic circumstances. Therefore, we pray that God will work in us so that we will be a sensitive congregation, willing to share our faith and gifts in language and worship, in the life and work of our church and wherever God calls us to do justice in the wider community, with compassion, fun and laughter.
First Presbyterian Church

First Presbyterian Church

Our mission purpose is to put faith into action through mission education, community outreach and personal and financial support both at home and abroad
St. Michael's Anglican Church Restory

St. Michael's Anglican Church Restory

Episcopalian Anglican Church
Greek Orthodox Community Holy Trinity Church

Greek Orthodox Community Holy Trinity Church

Greek Orthodox Community Holy Trinity Church
St. Casimir's Church

St. Casimir's Church

Roman Catholic church
Offers a place of worship in a Roman Catholic setting
Croatian Catholic Parish Rectory

Croatian Catholic Parish Rectory

Croation Catholic Parish Rectory
Lakehead Baptist Church

Lakehead Baptist Church

Lakehead Baptist Church is located at 1314 Oliver Road, just west of the Expressway, in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.
Fort William Baptist Church

Fort William Baptist Church

Together we are spreading a passion to Prize God, to Praise God and to Proclaim God.
St. Andrews Roman Catholic Church

St. Andrews Roman Catholic Church

Roman Catholic Church
Offers a place of worship in a Roman Catholic setting
St Mark's Anglican Church

St Mark's Anglican Church

Anglican church
Offers a place of worship in a Christian setting
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses

Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses

We come from hundreds of ethnic and language backgrounds, yet we are united by common goals. Above all, we want to honor Jehovah, the God of the Bible and the Creator of all things. We do our best to imitate Jesus Christ and are proud to be called Christians. Each of us regularly spends time helping people learn about the Bible and God’s Kingdom. Because we witness, or talk, about Jehovah God and his Kingdom, we are known as Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Unitarian Fellowship (Lakehead)

Unitarian Fellowship (Lakehead)

St. Andrew's Church is a Roman Catholic Parish church in Thunder Bay, Ontario. It was founded by the Society of Jesus in the 1872 and is a centre for ministry with the Fort William First Nation. It is situated on Connaught Square in the Port Arthur area of the city
Saalem Church

Saalem Church

Our church was planted by a group of Finnish people in 1933. The first meeting was held on the corner of Court and Van Horne streets in Thunder Bay (known then as Port Arthur). First pastor was Matti Hämäläinen.
Today Saalem Church consists of two language services, Finnish and English.
Grassroots Church

Grassroots Church

Grassroots Church is a community of believers in Jesus Christ located in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. We aim to be simple, authentic and relevant in all we do in response to the message of Jesus.
Farrand Street Bible Chapel

Farrand Street Bible Chapel

We are a Bible believing and Bible preaching assembly. We would love to meet you. Feel free to join one of our services.
Intola Baptist Church

Intola Baptist Church

Intola Baptist Church is an independent, fundamental, Bible-believing church. We believe the Authorized King James Bible is God's inspired and preserved word.
St. Elizabeth Church

St. Elizabeth Church

Roman Catholic church
Offers a place of worship in a Roman Catholic setting
Redwood Park Church

Redwood Park Church

Our Mission

To become fully alive followers of Jesus who love God, love others, and love the world.
New Life Christian Fellowship

New Life Christian Fellowship

This service is our time for our faith community to express our love to the LORD. We enjoy passionate worship with a variety of musicians making up a worship team that leads us.
We can be noisy and fast, or quiet and slow, you never know how the Spirit of God will lead us. We seek to worship in Spirit and in Truth, some have called it worshiping our faces off.
St Anthony's Catholic Church

St Anthony's Catholic Church

St. Anthony’s Parish is a Catholic Faith community rich in cultural diversity with a strong flavour of identity.
Our mission is to foster a strong spiritual growth of life and faith in our families, community and society by sharing the gift of our time, treasures and talents.
We hope to do this with a Spirit of Christian generosity that brings us closer to the blessing of unity, peace and reconciliation.
St. Patrick's Cathedral

St. Patrick's Cathedral

The cathedral was founded by the Society of Jesus. They set up the Immaculate Conception Mission (French: Mission de L’Immaculée Conception) for the Fort William First Nation.
St. Luke's Church

St. Luke's Church

Offers a place of worship in a Christian setting
Affiliated with the Anglican Church of Canada
Offers regular worship services and a weekly prayer group
Provides the Daughters of St Luke's women's group for fellowship and parish visiting
Provides the Messy Church family program
Provides a weekly quilting session
Operation Hope

Operation Hope

Operation Hope Thunder Bay
Thunder Bay Seventh Day Adventist Church

Thunder Bay Seventh Day Adventist Church

Adventists believe that God takes concern with the quality of human life, and that everything, how we live, eat, speak, think, treat each other, and care for the world around us, is part of God's plan. Our families, our children, our jobs, our gifts, our money, and our time are of huge importance to God.
Evangel Church

Evangel Church

Evangel Church is a community of believers who know that with Jesus Christ we can change the world. Life was meant to be lived to the fullest, it was meant to be an adventure, it was meant to matter.
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary

Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary

Ukranian Orthodox church
Offers a place of worship in a Ukranian Orthodox setting
St. Volodymyr's Ukrainian Orthodox Church

St. Volodymyr's Ukrainian Orthodox Church

The Orthodox Church is the original Christian Church, the Church founded by the Lord Jesus Christ and described in the pages of the New Testament. Her history can be traced in unbroken continuity all the way back to Christ and His Twelve Apostles.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Provides a place of worship in a Mormon setting
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