I want to nominate my loving partner Amanda Walford, who not only places my needs before her own, but the communities through the StandUp4CleanUp movement.
When I started this movement, I was homeless and in recovery and for a long year I slugged it out organizing on my own most times with the help of good friends from time to time, but Amanda, Amanda became my rock 6 1/2 months ago, she became a rock for the community.
I considered giving up and returning to a private life but it was Amanda who helped remind me that I had purpose and that the momentum was building.. together we have extracted over 15,000 lbs of trash from our beautiful city landscape, our green spaces and waterways, private and public properties, needles or not...
Dedicated to helping others, Amanda is always lending a hand with not only my projects but with Grace Place and her grandparents who are craft vendors, one selling birch bark paintings and the other who sell a variety of hand made clothing, Nick backs and quilts.
Now partnering up to launch an urban outreach program, to feed, clothe and to build real connections with our homelessness and street folk.
She is unafraid to dedicate her time to helping others and that is why Amanda is my holiday hero, it's people like her that make living in Thunder Bay worthwhile!