To the editor:
There was talk about dropping city councillors from 12 to four. It seemed to me this proposal melded well into what is now a worldwide trend. Every president, prime minister and Christian leader has been calling for a "New World Order." What does that mean to the people and their children’s futures?
Like any takeover, it means more power in fewer hands. Last year’s proposed Bill C6, this year’s Climate Change Accountability Act and the like are all designed to put the world under one flag, "global governance" and then controlled by a very small group.
This "government" would tell us all how, where and more and more when to live. This agenda is methodically being advanced under the pretext that our world is over-populated and that even our very breath, carbon dioxide, is killing our world.
The powers-that-be cannot apparently nail down the science of all this, hence we were in "global warming" and now we find ourselves in "climate change."
Don’t get me wrong, the mega-corporations/institutions that would impose on us the immense expense and economic devastation of "cap and trade" while making trillions in profits selling "carbon credits" on the Chicago Climate Exchange have polluted every square inch of our tortured world.
The great tragedy here is we all, who really care about our planet have been confusing pollution with a gas that is absolutely essential to life here, CO2 and the mega-polluters are in no hurry to clarify this fact.
In our scramble to keep up to the hustle of so-called freedom, we miss a lot of what our governments and global institutions are doing. We need to pay a lot more attention and become much more involved in our communities if our kids are ever going to have a better life that we do.
With that said, I say no to fewer councillors. I say no to electronic voting in Canada. I say no to giving my dear country over to the globalist banks/corporations and their arms, the U.N., the W.H.O. and the I.M.F. People first, then profits!
Also, having been a soldier, I wholeheartedly support our young troops. Let’s bring them home. The Internet is the world’s information at our fingertips. Each one of us needs to really find out the truths of why these brave youths are so often put in harm’s way.