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LETTER: The library does not belong in a retail setting

The public library is not just a building that can be located anywhere. It is a community service.

To the editor,

Those who advocate locating a public library in a shopping mall do not understand the history and ethos of the public library.

The public library is not a retail space. It does not belong in a retail setting. 

The public library is not a transactional service. It does not have customers.

The public library is not just a building that can be located anywhere. It is a community service.

A large central library is not a solution. Neighbourhood based community services are the way to go.

A large central library will consume the resources that should be feeding neighbourhood libraries.

Given the collapse in mall and library usage since COVID, job cuts are likely if all the library's eggs are placed in one central basket.

Old style malls are going out of fashion. If the mall goes down the library will go down with it.

There will be no internal access to the library from the mall which defeats one of the main purposes of having it there.

Getting to the mall is a problem. Libraries should be located within walking distance of most peoples' homes.

Not everyone is welcome at the mall. Some members of certain communities are followed around and excluded. 

The number of people attending consultation sessions has been very limited. Less than half a dozen were at the 55 Plus Centre session.

There is no evidence that the people of Thunder Bay want a large central library in the mall.

There is no evidence that a library will boost the mall and vice versa.

TBPL should hold onto the libraries that it owns instead of paying rent that they have no control over. 

Public libraries have been around for over 100 years. They grew out of local neighbourhoods. That’s where they belong. 

John Pateman 
Thunder Bay

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