To the editor:
Am applauding Fort William First Nation Chief Peter Collins and all the other opponents regarding those monsters called wind turbines.
As a First Nations woman, have spent much time speaking against the development of them. My Mother Earth's health, my grandchildren's health are first and foremost,and we also have been very vocal in speaking out against them.
The corporations are bullies and have no regard to our well-being all for the almighty dollar. Unfortunately, some chiefs on the reserves on Manitoulin Island have sold out their band members.
Consultations were sorely lacking. fight. Our own native men and women went to war to fight for democracy, so the politicians need not use bullying tactics in order to get their way And listen to the people who put them in there to work for our well-being. Keep up the good fight.
Rosemary Wakegijig,
Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve