To the editor,
At the last meeting of council, the recommended penalty for the code of conduct investigation of the accused Coun. Rajni Agarwal was discussed by all members.
There were two members whose comments surprised me the most, given their past reputation for supporting peoples' best interests.
Coun. Andrew Foulds has always given me the impression that his support lies with individual(s) before anything else. My thoughts have changed about his diplomacy.
As for Coun. Dominic Pasqualino and being a union president, one would think that his support would be for Coun. Agarwal and to ensure that a fair and impartial investigation would have been conducted.
That is what union leaders are to do - support their members. He did not question the cause for Coun. Agarwal's concerns about the financial records of FWBIA nor the absence of comment from Principles Integrity.
Having said that, in reading the outcome of council's meeting in TBnewswatch article, it is surprising that not one member has questioned the reason for Coun. Agarwal's concern about the accounting practices of FWBIA and their financial reports.
Even more surprising is that Janice Atwood from Principles Integrity did not state if there was cause for Coun. Agarwal's concern. Instead, the main issue raised is the disturbance of Coun. Agarwal's presence at meetings.
It is my belief, and I'm sure that it is the belief of many others, that the reason for a member to be on a board is not only to try and promote the health of the board and businesses alike, but it is also to promote internal integrity of the board.
If board members are going to be threatened with removal from the board every time there is an issue with their internal practices, then democracy is challenged. Free-thinkers become the target for retaliation.
I hope that the city's administrator does not support the recommendations of Janice Atwood, because I do not believe that she has done a thorough investigation. As I described earlier, there is no mention about Coun. Agarwal's concern about FWBIA's accounting practices.
Yet, according to the Municipal Act, Principles Integrity is allowed to request these records for her investigation and make a determination as to whether or not there is merit to Coun. Agarwal's concerns.
If there is just cause, then fault will lie with the complainant for submitting a bogus complaint.
Ed Dunnill