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Brewery introduces Thunder Bay's first female brewer

Sleeping Giant Brewery makes announcement on International Women's Day
SGBC Intl Womens Day


THUNDER BAY – To celebrate International Women’s Day, Sleeping Giant Brewing Company is proud to introduce Thunder Bay’s first professional female brewer, Alyssa Kwasny. Originally from Thunder Bay, Kwasny has spent the past five years working at a brewery in Eastern Ontario, and brings her expertise and charisma to the Sleeping Giant Brewing Company team. Kwasny’s love for craft beer has transformed into an exciting journey full of learning and creativity.

“I feel honored to be the first female brewer in Thunder Bay, and believe this signifies that the brewing community continues to evolve. It’s super exciting to be a part of the Sleeping Giant Brewing Company team and learn a new system and process, while contributing to a growing business, “ says Kwasny.

Kwasny explains that when she first entered the craft beer world through an internship, she discovered she was pregnant, so ended up completing brewing school while on maternity leave. She has advice for other women wanting to be a part of industry.

“Don’t let the preconceived notion that beer is a ‘guys thing’, deter you. Take any opportunity to learn about the industry. Read, participate in courses, taste a lot of beer—really get to know the product.”

Coinciding with International Women’s day, Sleeping Giant Brewing Company is partnering with Northshore Barley’s Angels to host an International Women’s Collaboration Brew Day event. Each year, home brewers and commercial brewers from around the world brew together, producing a craft beer based on a theme. The 2020 theme is “Unite Tribute”, and Sleeping Giant Brewing Company is brewing a classic India Pale Ale.

“The involvement of women in today’s craft beer industry is evident and ever-increasing. We are seeing more and more women getting into craft beer, not just as drinkers but also as brewery owners, managers and brewers—they are leading the charge. When you have a diverse leadership team you allow for different ideas and perspectives,” says Sleeping Giant Brewing Company Co-founder & CEO, Andrea Mulligan. “But it’s always still fun to get those surprised looks, when customers find out a woman owns the brewery.”

Sleeping Giant Brewing Company is also brewing a Camparino on International Women’s Brew Day at in honour of Jeannie Ross-Armstrong. Proceeds from the sale of the craft beer supports the Sleeping Giant Brewing Company Jeannie Ross-Armstrong Memorial Bursary. The brewery has donated $15,000 to the Lakehead University bursary, supporting six business students since 2017.

“International Women’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate the awesome impacts women are having in the craft beer industry while empowering others. It’s also a good reminder that beer is for everyone— we need to let go of stereotypes and keep pushing boundaries,” continues Mulligan.


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