Contractors and suppliers interested in providing goods and services for the construction and ongoing operation of a future open-pit gold mine, south of Geraldton, can take part in the procurement and supply chain process.
The Greenstone Economic Development Corporation Business Centre is hosting a virtual event on Sept. 23 on “How to do Business with Greenstone Mine.”
The event runs from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. The Municipality of Greenstone is hosting this event in partnership with Greenstone Gold Mines, the mine development subsidiary company run by the project's joint venture partners, Equinox Gold and Orion Mine Financing.
The mine, to be located south of Geraldton on Highway 11, is expected to produce 4.2 million ounces of gold over a 15-year life of mine.
The companies have not yet made a mine construction decision but one is expected soon.
The mine will be built over a two to three-year period and will involve the construction of a 27,000-tonne per day processing plant, a 65-megawatt power plant, tailings management facility and supporting infrastructure.
Currently, there is pre-construction prep work going on involving early earth works for the proposed pit and all the related infrastructure for power lines and access roads.
The event will present an update on the status of the current project, what's upcoming, and how to take part in the construction and operational phase of the mine.
Those interested in virtual attending must pre-register by Sept. 17 at 4 p.m. ZOOM meeting logistics will be sent out to registrants thereafter.
Participants will need access to their own device (computer/smartphone) and internet connection.
To register, contact the GEDC via email [email protected] or by telephone (807) 854-2273. There is no charge for this event. Everyone is welcome.