THUNDER BAY -- A construction project aimed at providing a link between Hogarth Riverview Manor and the Sister Leila Greco residence is nearing completion.
The heated passageway is expected to open by the end of March.
It's being called The Link, and it's a lot more than just a passageway as it will house a pharmacy, a hairdressers salon, a coffee shop, and a gift shop.
The second storey of the Link also has thousands of square feet of space saved for expansion.
According to St. Joseph's Care Group vice president Scott Potts, while the added amenities are nice, the hope is this physical connection will create emotional connections as well.
“It’s a great place for people to meet and get together,” Potts said.
“We do have some residents where one spouse is in Sister Leila Greco and the other is a resident of long-term care, so it’s a great opportunity for them to go and have a place to gather.”
It's expected the vendors will move into their new locations at the beginning of April.
(TBT News)