KENORA — Kenora Ontario Provincial are reminding cyclists and motorists to make safety a priority when sharing the roadway.
With the weather warming up, police are reminding all road users of various rules of the road, according to a news release issued Wednesday, April 7.
For motorists, police remind the following:
- Motorists must allow cyclers a safe space to ride on the roadway, as a bicycle has the same rights and responsibilities when on the road. Keep in mind that a cyclist may have to use more of the road if the right portion of the roadway is very rough, has potholes or sewer drains.
- If you decide to pass a cyclist, ensure that you pass in a safe place that will allow you to overtake the rider without forcing them off the road.
- Use a little extra caution and drive defensively when travelling through residential areas or near schools. Younger riders may dart out onto the street suddenly from the schoolyard or driveway.
For cyclists:
- Obey all traffic laws. Cyclers must obey the same traffic laws as any other vehicle on the road.
- Be a responsible rider. Do regular inspections of your bicycle to make sure that it is in proper working order.
- Make sure that your bike is the correct size for you. A bike that is not the right size for you is difficult to control.
- WEAR A HELMET!!!! Helmets are mandatory for all riders under 18 years old. Helmets must also be fitted and worn properly.
- When riding on the street, ride as close to the right side of the road as safely possible.
- Signal your intentions. If you must move out into traffic, change lanes, stop, or turn; use the proper hand signals to let others know where you are going. This is required by law.
- Ride in single file on the roadway and allow enough space between you and the bicycle ahead of you.
- Do not take a passenger on your bike. This is extremely dangerous as you dramatically reduce your ability to maneuver your bike safely. It is also illegal unless the bike is designed for two persons.
- Wear bright clothing and be visible.
- If you plan to ride at night, you are required to have a working headlight and a tail light on your bike. This will help you to be visible and to see where you are going.
- Cycling is one of the most enjoyable ways for families to spend time together and enjoy the outdoors. It is also a privilege and not a right. Cycling safety is the responsibility of everyone who uses the streets, roads and highways-no matter what method of transportation you are using. Do your part to keep it safe and fun.
- The OPP urges everyone to respect all road users and make the safety of all a priority.