THUNDER BAY — It was a relatively light week when it came to calls for service for the Ontario Provincial Police in the Thunder Bay area.
Last week, the service reported a total of 240 calls, with over 50 per cent of those calls being categorized as eTickets; 126 occurrences in total for the week.
In total, officers patrolling Thunder Bay received calls for service for traffic complaints (16), R.I.D.E program (15), police escort (12) and motor vehicle collisions (10).
The OPP is reminding the public about their online reporting system as an alternative to having an officer attend a scene for a minor incident.
Citizen Self Reporting (CSR) was rolled out across the province in 2014, and it is an efficient system as a means of reporting certain minor incidents and crimes.
These numbers are not representative of police activity in the city at large, as the Thunder Bay Police Service has jurisdiction over the municipality itself and tracks calls for service separately.