To the editor:
The Fort William downtown business community has spoken loud and clear. They do not support the city hall's location to build an 80 bed homeless village on Miles street near Simpson Street.
They have stated it will only continue to erode the downtown core and chase more businesses away like Bella Curves and Pleasure Zone who have decided to close their doors. The owner Jennifer Hoard stated she couldn't take anymore after investing $40,000 dollars into her business.
She stated, "I'm right on the main road on May street."
Many businesses were optimistic about the future of the south core with the city's proposed revitalization plan to demolish Victoriaville mall and open up Victoria Ave. until the city announced their intention to build this homeless village. Now some like Jennifer Hoard are wondering if they will even stay.
We cannot afford to lose any of these businesses in the south core as they are needed and contribute greatly to our tax base. We need to expand and attract more businesses with the city's revitalization plan.
I have talked to many of the business owners this past week who are very upset about the city's proposal. One owner whose store has operated for 92 years with one family and three generations is in disbelief that city council would jeopardize their revitalization plans and place an 80 bed homeless village at this location.
It is hoped that city council will do the right thing at Monday night's council meeting and seek out a different location for a homeless village that will benefit all.
I will be supporting the downtown businesses by attending a rally outside city hall with my sign starting at 5:30 p.m. this Monday night
Ray Smith,
Thunder Bay