A budding young scientist from Thunder Bay has once again landed a spot at an international science competition.
Grade 10 Hammarskjold high school student Emily Cross is back as a member of the Youth Science Canada team.
Cross, along with the other seven members of Team Canada, will compete at the world's largest pre-college celebration of science.
Cross says she has a love for fossils.
She has been interested in dinosaurs, fossils and rocks since she was seven years old and says she's proud to show off her collection. That collection includes a piece of a skull of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Her project this year is an experiment to find ways of removing dinosaur fossils and soft gemstones from extremely hard Ironstone, without damaging the findings.
This idea came about after someone told her it couldn't be done.
As it turns out, Cross has found ways to extract fossils from Ironstone without damaging them.
About 1,700 students from 70 nations will be competing for scholarships, tuition grants and internships at the event in Phoenix in May.
The top prize is $75,000.
Last year, two other members of Team Canada placed first and second overall.
(TBT News)