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Local hotel has new owners

The Best Western Plus Nor’Wester Hotel and Conference Centre was purchased from owners Cliff Friesen and Rick Baratta for an undisclosed amount.

THUNDER BAY – The Best Western Plus Nor’Wester Hotel and Conference Centre has new owners. 

It was purchased from owners Cliff Friesen and Rick Baratta for an undisclosed amount by HT Norwester LP Group and several First Nations in the region.

The First Nations include Kingfisher Lake, Wunnumin Lake, Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug, Neskantaga, Wapekeka, Nibinamik, Kasabonika Lake and the Landmark Inn Group. 

Calling it “exciting news” in an interview with Dougall Media, Luke Reynolds, president of HT Norwester LP Group, said the hotel will continue to operate as a Best Western Plus and there will be no changes to management or staff. 

“We just look to capitalize and kind of keep money in our family for our First Nations,” said Reynolds, who is a member of Kingfisher Lake.

He said they have discussed purchasing a hotel for more than 10 years, adding that the First Nation communities also own Happy Time Tours and Travel. 

“We’ve been very successful by looking after our corporate accounts from Northwestern Ontario and surrounding areas – and we’ve just seen the growth.

“It made sense that we capitalize to capture more revenues.”

The hotel, which has 89 rooms, is located on Highway 61, directly beside the Tournament Centre.

Reynolds said the same group will look to take over the arena when the lease expires in a year. 


– With files from Sheri Leviski-Kotyk, Dougall Media

Brandon Walker

About the Author: Brandon Walker

Brandon is TBnewswatch's managing editor. Born and raised in southern Ontario, Brandon has called Thunder Bay home since 2009.
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