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NAN acknowledges trauma that may be triggered by new documentary

NAN encourages anyone who has been impacted to seek support and care from loved ones, community resources, and mental health professionals
Nishnawbe Aski Nation deputy grand chief Anna Betty Achneepineskum (Matt Vis,

THUNDER BAY – Nishnawbe Aski Nation Deputy Grand Chief Anna Betty Achneepineskum has issued a statement in support of the families, friends, and communities who are still grieving the loss of loved ones who are the subject of the newly released documentary series entitled ‘Thunder Bay’. 

In the statement Achneepineskum said that the events depicted in the documentary have brought to light a painful and traumatic truth about the reality for many Indigenous people living in the City of Thunder Bay.  

“I acknowledge the impact this series may have on all individuals who have watched it or will watch it in the near future,” she said. 

“Many people may be deeply affected by the stories of Indigenous people who have lost their lives in Thunder Bay. I want to validate those feelings and acknowledge the trauma that may be re-triggered by this documentary.” 

The show explores the deaths of Indigenous youth in the city in-depth, and Achneepineskum said that she wanted to recognize and honour the families of the victims who have endured immeasurable pain and loss, yet still continue to fight for justice and equality. 

 “It is important that we listen to - and amplify - the voices of Indigenous communities and recognize the systemic issues that have contributed to the tragedies highlighted in this series,” she said. “We must work to address these issues and create a more just and equitable society for all.” 

NAN encourages anyone who has been impacted to seek support and care from loved ones, community resources, and mental health professionals  

Anyone requiring emotional support or assistance can contact NAN Hope at 1-844-NAN-HOPE (626-4673). 


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