THUNDER BAY — City police are reporting nine individuals who are facing charges related to impaired driving.
The following individuals have been charged with impaired driving by alcohol or drugs, driving with blood alcohol concentrations of 80 milligrams or above of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood or refusing to provide a breath or blood sample:
- Patrick BUREAU, 48, Montreal, Quebec
- Terrence Micheal HAKLI, 32, Thunder Bay
- Steven Robert HRESTAK, 47, Thunder Bay
- Gary Michael YOUMANS, 47, Thunder Bay
- Christopher Joseph DESAULNIERS, 30, Thunder Bay
- Dallas Alexander MEDICINE, 27, Thunder Bay
- Lynnaya Faye Kitakijick OLSON, 18, Oliver-Paipoonge
- John Gordon NICHOLS, 33, Thunder Bay
- Matthew Thomas Steven KOZLOWSKI, 27, Thunder Bay
Police will continue reporting the names of individuals charged with impaired offences in an effort to bring attention and deterrence to driving while impaired by drug or alcohol, according to a post on the police service’s website.
Police also point out this date range is larger than typical and future posts regarding impaired drivers will feature seven-day blocks.