MARATHON -- A 60 year-old woman was transported to hospital for medical care after injuring herself while hiking at Pukaskwa National Park near Marathon.
Ontario Provincial Police, in a release issued on Friday, say they were notified of the situation on Thursday when an emergency transmitter was activated. A man and woman from Toronto were hiking the coastal trail about 40 kilometres from Marathon when the female fell and suffered non life-threatening injuries.
Police, along with the OPP emergency response team, the marine unit and the Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre Trenton, along with the Ministry of Natural Resource, immediately responded.
Both the marine unit and Parks Canada officials entered the water in an attempt to locate the hikers during the night.
Due to extreme wind and fog, both vessels had to return to shore, and JRCC sent a rescue aircraft to the location of the injured female. Contact was made after the aircraft crew dropped a radio to the pair.
Circumstances, including her injuries, outdoors experience, hiking equipment and the weather, it was dictated the rescue would continue the following day during daylight hours.
On Friday members, with the assistance of the MNR helicopter, attended the female’s location. The Marathon OPP Marine Unit, attended to assist by vessel.
The female was located and subsequently transported by helicopter to Marathon for medical care.