THUNDER BAY — More outdoor programming will be available for students attending Algonquin Avenue Public School.
A donation of $4,000 was made to the school on Wednesday from GFL will help support its initiative in more outdoor programs for students.
As rising costs across the board continue to affect families, the money will help, said Algonquin Avenue Public School principal Darren Lentz.
"We never leave students behind, and this just ensures that we can take all our students and have many experiences outdoors, expose them to the environment, get them outside and have those experiences on the land that really nurture education back in the school," he said.
Students greatly benefit from the outdoor learning program, Lentz added.
"We have actually great data that supports [increased] attendance on those days when we're doing those outdoor activities," Lentz said. "There are so many benefits to getting kids outdoors, but then also bringing them back inside and sharing that knowledge around in their literacy and numeracy programs."
GFL district manager Darren Jewell said the company is happy they can help the community.
"We feel we have to do our part with the community and give everybody the opportunities we can help them out with," he said/
Lentz noted that students will get many opportunities to explore in the outdoor classroom, as well on field trips that would include going to traplines and learning from the school's partnership with the Lakehead Conservation Authority.