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Several sent to hospital following two-vehicle crash

THUNDER BAY – A two-vehicle collision resulted in multiple people being sent to hospital Thursday afternoon. An SUV and minivan collided shortly after noon at the intersection of Miles and Vickers streets.
(Xiaoli Li, TBT News)

THUNDER BAY – A two-vehicle collision resulted in multiple people being sent to hospital Thursday afternoon.

An SUV and minivan collided shortly after noon at the intersection of Miles and Vickers streets. The six of the occupants of the van – one woman and five children – were taken to hospital.

Thunder Bay Police Acting Sgt. David Morrison said the northbound SUV on Vickers Street appeared to run the red light before striking the eastbound van in the intersection.

None of the injuries are reported to being serious.

“The only reason we didn’t have any more serious injuries is the van’s side airbags deployed and that stopped serious injuries from happening,” he said.

The 46-year-old driver of the SUV has been charged with a red light violation.


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