THUNDER BAY — The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has released details of three significant fires burning in the District of Thunder Bay.
Two are located in the Nipigon area.
The MNRF says Nipigon 7 had burned about 480 hectares of forest as of late Tuesday.
It's located 45 kilometres northeast of Nipigon and is not under control.
Helicopters are dropping buckets of water on the fire, and crews are setting up sprinklers on structures in the vicinity of the blaze.
Nipigon 8 is burning 40 kilometres northeast of Nipigon, and has burned 150 hectares.
This fire also received air attack on Tuesday.
The third fire of concern is Thunder Bay 33, located in the Holinshead Lake area 140 kilometres north of Thunder Bay.
It has burned 300 hectares.
Crews and aircraft are working on the fire, and the MNRF is urging members of the public to avoid the area.
There are currently 65 active fires across Northwestern Ontario, including 31 that are not under control.