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Thunder Bay will host Canada's Strongest Woman competition

The event is scheduled for early December.
Womens weightlfting two

THUNDER BAY — Contestants from across the country will travel to Thunder Bay next month to compete for the title of Canada's Strongest Woman.

The city's Maximum Strength Performance fitness studio will host the event.

Organizers were not immediately available Wednesday morning for comment, but the Ontario Public Service Employees Union announced that it is a platinum sponsor.

It said Canada has many strong, hardworking female athletes who don't get the recognition their male counterparts do.

OPSEU Local 720 President Colleen Arvelin, who's a client of the gym, will volunteer at the event.

She said the competition represents women empowerment in more ways than one.

"The small business owners hosting this event put their heart and soul into our community. I'm proud to be part of a union that recognizes the importance of supporting local and supporting women," Arvelin said.

OPSEU Region 7 representative Gail Kelly added that she's pleased to see the union continuing to work to push women's issues forward.

"Women have so many skills and talents that aren't celebrated enough.  I'm proud that our union celebrates the accomplishments of women and can play a role in elevating the platform of these amazing athletes," Kelly said.

The event is scheduled for Dec. 4 and 5, 2021.


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