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Rita Nicholas Lalonde


Rita Lalonde
The family of Rita Nicholas Lalonde is heartbroken to announce her passing on April 16th, 2021 after a courageously fought battle with cancer. Rita was born on February 9th, 1944 in St. John’s Newfoundland to Ralph and Alice Nicholas. The family moved west to Atikokan Ontario in 1949. Growing up as the oldest and only girl in a house with three brothers, Rita took her role as a big sister very seriously, her brothers always knew they could count on her. Rita was also a loving wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, godmother, and fur mom to three generations of Duffy’s. Her family came before all else and nothing made her happier than being with the ones she loved most.

Anyone who knew Rita knew what a go-getter she was. Over her lifetime she held many jobs, bank teller, fundraising event planner, and volunteer coordinator among many more. Whatever job she was doing she put all of her heart into it, the dozens of volunteers that followed her from cause to cause are a testament to that. Carnation campaigns, 24 Hours of Kamview, high teas, fashion shows and more bingos than one can count are just some of the events that she planned. In 2019 Rita retired after a thirty year long career at Lakehead University, during her time there she worked in the Chancellor Paterson Library, the Faculty of Natural Resource Management, and for the past fifteen years as the Research and Innovation Week Coordinator. In the last few years she worked for Thunder Bay Community Living, as the Volunteer Coordinator. It brought her so much joy to work with everyone at Community Living, the exercise classes, community kitchens, and Inclusivity Walks were treasured memories.

Rita had a passion for life like no one else, many happy memories were made on countless canoe adventures, nights spent out at camp, trips to Minneapolis, Disney World, and Hilton Head and of course many trips out West where she was always sure to pack a carry-on bag full of Persians for her family.
Rita is survived by her loving husband Don Lalonde, son Jerry Nagorski (Ashley), daughter Trish Sokoloski (Bruce) and step sons Ron Lalonde (Nicole) and Donnie Lalonde. Rita’s most cherished title was that of grandmother, she will always be remembered by her grandchildren Chase and Lee Nagorski, Chelsey Lokstet, Kayley Sokoloski and Aurora and Alexis Lalonde. She will also be remembered by her brothers Bill and John as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Rita shared a special relationship with her nieces Alicia and Jennifer, they always knew Auntie Rita was there for them.

She is predeceased by her father Ralph and her mother Alice. Rita was devastated in 2006 by the loss of her baby brother Randy and her niece Marina, it brings the family comfort to know they are all reunited again.

In lieu of flowers, it was Rita’s wishes that everyone take some time out of their day to be with family, whether that be a walk in the park, stopping for an ice cream, or just sitting together on the porch. Volunteering was a passion of Rita’s, in her memory consider donating your time to a worthwhile cause.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, there will be no service at this time. We have chosen to wait until everyone who loved Rita can safely gather together and celebrate her life.

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