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TBnewswatch Online Auction


1.) Registration

You must register a user account in order to bid in this auction. If you have registered for a account previously, such as for the classifieds, please log in and use that account. Registration only takes a few moments. Register or log in here:

You must be logged in on in order to place bids. Please keep your login credentials safe. We highly recommend logging out of your account if anyone else will be using the same computer. At our sole discretion and for any reason, TBnewswatch retains the right to revoke an account and cancel any bids placed by that account. In the event an account is suspended or bids are cancelled, the account holder will be notified by email.

*NOTE- It could take up to 24 hours for your account to get verified and approved.

If you have problems registering or logging in, please reach out to our customer service department at [email protected].

All registration and bidder information shall remain confidential within T.Bay Post Inc.. We will not share your information.

2.) Bidding

i.) Location and Dates

This is an internet-only auction, operating on

This auction commences on December 3rd at 09:00 AM until December 15th at 11:00 PM.

ii.) Bidding Mechanics

Bidding requires being logged in to a registered user account. TBnewswatch accounts are free and can be created here:

To place a bid on an item: 1. Enter at least the minimum bid amount specified. 2. Enter your credit card information to pay for the item (see iv. below). 3. Check off the anonymous box if you wish to bid anonymously, otherwise your TBnewswatch account username will be displayed publicly in the list of winning bids. 4. Finally, check off the "confirm bid" box to confirm the information entered is correct, and then click "Bid". This will place an authorized hold on your credit card as specified in section iv below.

  • You can purchase the item immediately at a fixed price of 75% of the retail value online using Visa or Mastercard.  When you opt for this method payment is due at that time.
  • NOTE: Duplicate purchases of the same item can occur when two bids are placed at the exact same time. In such cases, TBnewswatch Auction will ensure that only one bidder is awarded the item.

In the event you are outbid by someone, you will be notified by email automatically.

The highest bid on each item, provided the reserve price (if set) was met, will be declared the winner of the item.

You must be prepared to pay for any item you commit to buying. A hold/authorization will be placed on your credit card for your bid amount. The hold will be captured (charged) on any winning bids at the end of the auction. Non-winning bids will have their holds released, which may take up to a week to be reflected on your statement. Make sure you read the description and understand what the item is before placing a bid.

Bidders can bid multiple times on the same item over the course of the auction in an effort to achieve the highest bid. Bidders can bid on multiple items (although some retailers may have restrictions on the number of winning gift cards that can be used per transaction). Every bid placed could potentially be the winning bid, so please, participate carefully and mindfully. Every bid placed is binding and constitutes a legal agreement from the bidder to T.Bay Post Inc.. to purchase the item for the bid amount entered by the bidder.

iii.) Retraction

You can only retract a bid if it is obvious to T.Bay Post Inc.. that the bid was erroneous, for example, if you meant to bid $50 but bid $500 on a $100 item. If this occurs, please contact us immediately at [email protected]. or call 1-807-346-2509 (During regular business hours).

iv.) Credit Cards - Authorized Holds and Collection

*** WE RECOMMEND YOU DO NOT USE A DEBIT CARD. Because funds are placed on hold each time you bid, this makes this amount inaccessible in your account. Use a credit card instead.

Bidding on an item requires you to provide a valid credit card, which a winning bid amount will be charged to at the conclusion of the auction. Placing a bid will authorize a transaction on your credit card and place a hold in that amount on the card for up to one week. Subsequent bids on the same item will supercede and replace that authorized hold on the card.

Bids on separate items will result in multiple authorized holds on the credit card -- one for each of those bid amounts. It is important to note that an authorized hold on a credit card reduces your available credit. For example, bidding $600 on two different items will result in two $600 holds placed on the card, for a total of $1200.

An authorized hold will be removed from your card if and when you are outbid on that item.

Winning bid amounts will be charged to credit cards at the conclusion of the auction, and all outstanding authorized holds will be removed.

v.) Conclusion

Within 24 hours of the conclusion of the auction, all winning bids will be processed. Winners will be notified by email, and the winning bid amounts will be charged to the credit cards provided.

3.) Pick up

At the conclusion of the auction, winning bidders will be notified of any items they have won. This email will include instructions for the pick up of the item(s).

All winning bidders might be required to complete a release form upon collecting their item(s) to confirm delivery of said item(s).

The winners will be notified on Monday Dec 17th and can pick up their tree between Dec 17th - 21st from 10am - 8pm at Reid’s furniture.

Contact for Reid’s is Jessica – Phone 807-623-1212


Participants in this auction are also subject to our broader Terms of Service.



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