THUNDER BAY -- A mass vaccination clinic in Thunder Bay is set to close next Friday.
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre on Friday announced it will shutter its clinic at Lakehead University's Bora Laskin Building, citing high vaccination rates in the city and a significant drop in appointment bookings.
According to the Thunder Bay District Health Unit, as of a week ago 77.4 per cent of the population living in the district have had at least one shot, while 52.6 per cent has had both doses.
"All community members who are willing and eligible for COVID-19 vaccines will still be able to get vaccinated in a prompt and timely manner through other community venues," the social media post reads.
Those with appointments booked for August and September are being reached out to by hospital staff in order to either reschedule them for next week while the clinic is still open or redirect them to the health unit's community vaccination clinics.
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