It is almost unfathomable how people cannot see how important Thunder Bay can be as a producer. We have a port directly to the ocean. We have a direct rail connection to Chicago, which is considered as an American hub of commerce.
12 0 1
There should be special permits given to people for motorized vehicles with a 10 or 20 kph speed limit. The elderly and disabled need to be able to enjoy it. I would love to just take my fishing rod and whatever I could carry and walk the whole trail.
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If any of them had a brain they would realize the costs cannot come down without the price of Diesel fuel coming down. The government appeased the average Canadian by getting lower costs for Gasoline, but the big rigs and trains that deliver groceries run Diesel fuel.
6 0 1
No listings have been posted by Ed Arnould
One thing is that unless the money is used for capital projects the organizations cannot keep 50/50 proceeds for operational needed funds. They must donate the funds raised in 50/50 to other city approved not for profits.
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