Has Maggie ever driven a vehicle? Some of the changes to city streets in the past few years are ridiculous! St George's ave, wallace terrace just to name a few
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I hope that was a sarcastic message? Hiw could anyone vote for him after what he has done to this country???
10 1
Funny how this was kept secret. Pretty sure JT knows how well he would be greeted by the general public! What a coward
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I thinknthenpoint is the people are tired of the Trudeau regime, and they want to move as far away from his plan as possible. Carney & Freeland are the masterminds behind most of his destructive ideology that has ruined this country. So as I agree there are no good Liberal candidates, I would stengly disagree that Trudeau staying in power is the answer either......it's time for change. A vote for any Liberal is a vote for continuing with the Liberal platform....that is the platform that has decimated the majority of Canadians, that is the platform that needs to go.
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