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Member since: Apr, 2018

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Shirley McKenzie

Shirley McKenzie

Obituaries |

Jeanetty commented

Shirley was a warm, caring, hardworking member of our community and a wonderful Grandmother and Great Grandmother with a twinkle in her eye and I was fortunate to meet her through her Granddaughter Michelle. Michelle shared many of the great adventures Shirley went on but most of all her kindness and love for her family. Precious people live in this world and make great happy differences for many and Shirley was one of those people. I enjoyed living through the stories Michelle shared and knowing that she was very special whether helping out in the community or sharing a great viewing spot for Fireworks from her balcony. Michelle, a granny too now, you have an angel watching over you and your family. I am making a donation to the Alzheimer Society of Thunder Bay in memory of Shirley today. Much love and treasure the memories. You showed great love for Shirley while she was with you. Jeanetty Jumah and family

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Who would you vote for in McKellar Ward?

Poll |

Jeanetty commented

Lori Paras is exactly who we need representing McKellar Ward on City Council. I first met her fighting for Dease Pool. Living in McKellar Ward & knowing the unsafe conditions families & others encounter walking from the Dease area to Widnall Pool, I understood the need to revitalize the pool to provide a safe healthy place in a very dangerous part of our City. It stands covered in grass not being used for anything & Brian Hamilton voted against community efforts to keep it open. Many parts of McKellar Ward including the East End were virtually locked down during the winter with emergency vehicles not able to get down streets because snow made the narrow streets in the East End dangerous & calls to Brian Hamilton received call me later replies. Lori has fought hard for our Ward, helping to keep businesses alive by operating out of The Hub through COVID, like Wild Thyme, a good restaurant operating today. She is tough, caring & works for all parts of our Ward. Lori has my vote.

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Ann Cormier

Ann Cormier

Obituaries |

Jeanetty commented

What a truly amazing mom. MJ you now have a special angel watching over you and your family. Much love, Jeanetty

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Video: Aug. 26, 2021: Barry Third has signed off

Video: Aug. 26, 2021: Barry Third has signed off

TBT Newshour |

Jeanetty commented

Barry Third was an amazing caring announcer who brought us the news with great professionalism but also heart. When we listened to him, it was like welcoming a friend into our homes. We will miss you Barry but wish you a world of happiness and adventures as you move on to your new career in life where you can put yourself first. You deserve this and so much more. Jeanetty for the many groups you helped promote and the stories you shared, and the many friends you made along the way. We will miss you. You are the BEST!

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Mayor calls for vaccine policy for city staff

Mayor calls for vaccine policy for city staff

Local News |

Jeanetty commented

Sorry hit enter 99% of hospitalized people currently suffering from COVID in the US have NOT been vaccinated& in Canada, patients hospitalized with COVID are mainly unvaccinated people.You have freedoms but you also have responsibilities that come with those freedoms. Every freedom requires you to use it with conditions. If people must come to you to be taught, receive medical care or receive a government service, they have the right to be served by employees who don't put them at risk of getting the deadly COVID virus. Believe what you want but you don't have the right to put people's lives at risk if you work in a position that requires the public to interact with you. My father, a veteran & my mother a Dutch Resistance worker fought for the freedoms you take for granted. If you choose to continue to work in Public Service jobs, your clients deserve to be safe &with COVID vaccinations working, your disbeliefs that put people at risk of dying from COVID are not valid justification.

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Jeanetty commented

99% of Covid cases in the US are happening to unvaccinated people and the numbers are very similar with cases rising in Canada. You may have freedom but you do not have the freedome to put others at serious risk of dying. THIS IS NOT THE FLU

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Skate park proposed for the former Dease Pool site

Skate park proposed for the former Dease Pool site

Local News |

Jeanetty commented

A skateboard park is the last thing we need in this space. There are many in our community & young people in this area can easily walk to Delaney Skate Park near the Legion track. What this area needs is an enhanced place for families with young children, Seniors, & individuals in the area so they can go out, exercise, & relax with little cost. I grew up & live in McKellar Ward & know first hand that we need more of this. How about adding tables for Seniors to meet & play bridge or a discing area. Herb Carroll Centre Senior activities are gone & Seniors have to head to West Arthur something not possible for many who do not drive in this McKellar Ward Area. Plant some trees, add a small covered area for Seniors, families, & bring healthy activities back to this underserviced recreation area that people can walk to. Groups may later offer free yoga, Tai Chi or more. Dease Park should offer a great free child friendly Summer Program & I hope it continues after being reinstated last year.

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Alternate fire plan recommendation could save $1.1 million annually

Alternate fire plan recommendation could save $1.1 million annually

Local News |

Jeanetty commented

Fires in the East End & McKellar Ward are serviced by the Vickers Fire Station. How will we get safe service if it is closed given the railway lines that circle our area? What if trains were stopped on the Walmart crossing, Intercity crossing,&fire trucks were coming from PA as is proposed, or further afield in FW. How many of you have been stuck waiting for trains to pass or worse yet stopped trains? How many lives or homes are saved if firetrucks get here faster. In July my neighbour had a huge fire requiring many trucks & fortunately they got through. My house next door sustained damage but the firemen made it there on time to save both houses. We need Vickers Street Fire Station that can access the East End &surrounding areas without having to risk a stopped train on a railway crossing. Saving money or saving lives? The answer for me is easy. Stop a fire from spreading because our Firemen can get here in time. Come to my area & see why we need the Vickers Fire Station to stay open.

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Judge hears closing arguments in Brayden Bushby manslaughter trial

Judge hears closing arguments in Brayden Bushby manslaughter trial

Local News |

Jeanetty commented

The trailer hitch was thrown with INTENT to harm a person. When a person decides to take an illegal action that will hurt someone, they must be prepared to answer for their actions. Barbara Kentner would not have ended in the hospital on January 29, 2017 if it were not for this assault. You do not know the condition of the person when you make the decision to blatantly throw a trailer hitch at a person walking down the street but that falls on the person choosing to commit the unwarranted assault, not the victim of the assault. The trailer hitch lead to surgery to repair her ruptured bowel.Of course, the medical complications for this person were increased. Imagine someone with a heart condition being hit by a trailer hitch, or a child or senior with previous health problems. The victims are not to blame for the actions of this young man & friends who choose to drive around our city assaulting people they do not know. It could have been you or me. This must end in our city with justice

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Game on for indoor turf facility

Game on for indoor turf facility

Local News |

Jeanetty commented

Mauro said "The city borrows every year. It's just a matter of what you want to borrow for." Mayor Mauro this citizen believes we debenture such a huge amount during challenging times for NEEDS not WANTS, & we show patience & wait for government funding rather than add more debt to our city coffers for something we could wait for...even our City Manager encouraged Council to do this. This has nothing to do with wanting a Turf Facility but how we will be able to use all available resources including government funding to cover the costs. This decision should have been based on strong fiscal advice, the Covid Crisis, & the potential to lose government funding if our City chose not to wait. Why is this something that needs to be pushed through right now at all costs. Very disappointed with our Mayor & those Councillors who opted to go ahead without considering all financial aspects. We the citizens pay for financial decisions made & we are hurting right now. It was not the right time.

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